But by their nature, these capital flows among nations are hard to ascribe to one country alone. 但就其本质而言,这种国家间的资本流动很难单独归咎于某一个国家。
Recent volatility in capital flows and financial markets has created new challenges in some countries. 近期资本流动和金融市场的波动使一些国家面临新的挑战。
It also warns asset managers can exacerbate the volatility of international capital flows into and out of emerging markets. IMF还警告称,资产管理公司可能会加剧新兴市场国际资金流入流出的波动性。
Such debt exchanges have to be a priority if Europe wants to encourage private capital flows. 如果欧洲想要鼓励私人资本流动,这类债务交换就应该是重点。
So measures to bolster capital flows and exports to emerging markets are essential. 因此,采取措施促进向新兴市场国家的资金流动和产品出口非常重要。
One difficulty with this is that it means loosening the grip of technocrats on how capital flows. 这方面的一个难题是:这意味着放松技术官僚对资本流动的控制。
What we are experiencing is actually the second great globalisation of trade and capital flows in modern times. 我们现在所经历的,其实是现代史上第二轮贸易和资本流动的大规模全球化。
Nowadays, direct trade and payments across the exchanges are dwarfed by vastly greater capital flows. 当今,在庞大得多的资本流面前,跨汇率的直接交易和支付相形见绌。
With vast cross-border capital flows, the tasks facing monetary policymakers have become much more complex. 面对庞大的跨境资本流动,货币政策制定者的任务已变得更为复杂。
While capital flows tend to rise and fall with the economic cycle, flows of remittances were more stable. 尽管资本流动会随着经济周期起落,但汇款流动却更为稳定。
Short-term capital flows include the normal everyday receipts and payments arising out of international trade and finance. 短期资本流动包括在国际贸易和国际金融中发生的日常收入和支出。
This condition is the same as the absence of effective controls on capital flows between the domestic and offshore money markets. 这就和在国内和境外货币市场之间没有有效的资本流动监管的情况一样。
We will strengthen monitoring and supervision of cross-border capital flows and maintain financial stability and security. 加强跨境资本流动监测和管理,维护金融稳定和安全。
Government Investment, Informal Finance and Private Investment& Game Models of Investment with Different Capital Flows 政府投资、民间金融和民间投资&不同资本流动状态下的投资博弈模型
The absence of any restrictions on capital flows into and out of Hong Kong is another important factor. 此外,资金可以自由流入和流出香港,也是一项重要的因素。
An Analysis of the Impact of Foreign Capital Flows on China's Real Estate Market 外资流动对我国房地产市场影响的分析
Watch for China to increase its capital flows to the emerging markets to placate critics. 让我们等待中国增加对新兴市场的资金流动,以安抚批评者吧。
Recent years have seen a dramatic shift in the composition of capital flows to the emerging-market economies. 近年来,向新兴市场经济体的资本流动的构成发生了显著的变化。
Capital flows will also remain a problem as China tries to rein in inflation and asset bubbles. 在中国努力遏制通胀和资产泡沫之际,资本流动仍将是个问题。
Both have opened up to international trade and capital flows in the past three decades. 在过去30年间,两国都开放了国际贸易和资本流动。
The war disrupted capital flows and international trade between nations. 一战中断了国与国之间的资本流动和国际贸易。
Policies that ignore the importance of capital flows between the mature and emerging market economies will be similarly harmful. 而忽视成熟与新兴市场经济体之间资本流动重要性的政策,也将同样有害。
Infact, a fixed-rate system such as the euro zone brings about even largerexcessive capital flows. 事实上,一套固定汇率体系,像欧元区的汇率体系,为该地区带来了更大的过量资本的流动。
Essentially, the tidal force of capital flows to emerging economies faces only partially flexible currencies. 基本上,流向新兴经济体的资本浪潮面对的只是部分灵活的货币。
The volatility of international capital flows and how monetary policy is employed during episodes of financial distress. 国际资本流动的波动性;在金融衰退期间如何使用货币政策。
However companies and analysts were sceptical that the new capital controls would limit illegal capital flows. 然而,公司和分析人士均怀疑新的资本管制能否限制非法资本流动。
We survey several mechanisms that explain the composition of international capital flows: foreign direct investment, foreign portfolio investment and debt flows ( bank loans and bonds). 我们研究了阐明国际资本流动组成的机制,其中包括,外国直接投资,外国证券投资和债务流动(银行贷款和债券)。
This came to an end in 2008 when the global financial crisis interrupted foreign capital flows. 但2008年底,全球金融危机使外来资本出现中断,繁荣随之结束。
But the real problem lay in their reliance on short-term capital flows from overseas. 但是真正的麻烦在于这些国家对于海外短期资本的依赖。
While banks were international and capital flows crossed national borders, oversight was largely domestic. 尽管银行走向国际化,资本流动跨越了国界,但监管仍基本上仅限于国内。